Coaching Project Description
I would like to coach my peers on how to successfully collaborate using Google Drive in the classroom. From my observations, there are some teachers that harness the power of Google Drive and there are some that have not had the proper training on using Google Drive. Every single staff member at YCSC has a Google account through the Charter School and this opens the door to opportunity to collaborate via Google Drive. Moreover, teacher and administrative training in technology is crucial to incorporate new technologies at the school site (Brown, 2000).
I will conduct a short Google Forms survey during the first day of PD to confirm the need. If more than 20% of teachers at YCSC need training in using Google drive I will continue with the Coaching Project. YCSC being a Project Based Learning school, we have to harness hybrid learning technologies combined with project based learning in order to make differentiated learning more feasible for instructors (Mabry and Snow, 2006).
The ISTE-C standards being focused on for this project is 1. Visionary leadership: b) contribute to the planning, development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of technology-infused strategic plans at the district and school levels and c) Advocate for policies, procedures, programs, and funding strategies to support implementation of the shared vision represented in the school and district technology plans and guidelines. As an educator and educational technology leader, I would ensure a strategic plan is set in place to instruct educators and provide a platform for collaboration using Google Drive. With the help of administration and my peers, I would like this vision to be represented throughout the school.
The end result is to develop a Google + Community that has video tutorials on using Google Drive to collaborate amongst educators, program staff, students-teacher and teacher-student. It is essential to make the tutorials interactive and provide real time support. Therefore, a forum and Twitter feature will be added to Google +. Overall, this community will be a hub where educators could get training to become more versed in collaboration using Google Drive.
- Brown, M. (2000). Access, instruction, and barriers: Technology issues facing students at risk. Remedial and Special Education, 21(3), 182-192.
- Mabry, L., & Snow, J. (2006). Laptops for high-risk students: Empowerment and personalization in a standards-based learning environment. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 32(4), 289-316.
YCSC Professional Development Survey Responses
August 3, 2015
Google + Community: YCSC Google Drive Training/Support:
Live on: October 6, 2015
Community of educators eager to learn how to implement Google Drive Apps in their classroom.
This community was developed by Alvaro Brito, a Social Science instructor at LA CAUSA YouthBuild in East LA. Alvaro is currently enrolled in the M.S. in Education Technology program at Cal State Fullerton. This community is a direct response to a need of Google Drive training and support at YCSC and a fulfillment to the Master's program e-portfolio requirement. Every single staff member at YCSC has a Google account through the Charter School and this opens the door to opportunity to collaborate via Google Drive. Moreover, teacher and administrative training in technology is crucial to incorporate new technologies at the school site.
Supporting Educators through E-mail
Chromebook Training & Tech Implementation Plan @ LA CAUSA YouthBuild
November 6, 2015
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Google Drive Training Documents
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Weekly Updates
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As I reflect on my Coach Project, I am noticing that this project has potential to improve and to expand to broader networks of educators. One of my successes is that I was able to lay groundwork in a new Google + community. I will provide additional training during our face to face Winter Professional development in order to train educators in how the Google + community will help them access tools, training and support for Google Apps for Education. Another success is being able to provide comprehensive support and training to my site at LA CAUSA YouthBuild in order to develop new material that I will present to the whole Charter School network. What I would do differently is starting small. Start off by providing support to my site then develop a new information hub for training/support for the whole school network. Nonetheless, I was able to implement this strategy during the mid point of this project.
This project helped me develop ISTE-C Standard One Visionary leadership. Specifically it gave me insight on how to plan, develop, communicate and implement a Google Apps for Education ongoing support and training group to help educators infuse technology to their lessons plans and units. This approach also focuses on UDL principles with Google Apps providing an opportunity for students to present what they are learning in fresh innovative ways using technology. This coach project also have me experience in how to advocate for policies, procedures, and develop technology plans. Working with my team of teachers to figure out a strategic plan to enhance learning using Google Apps was a valuable experience in order to incorporate the knowledge I gained in my Masters of Science in Education Technology into real life practice. I look forward to expand this coach project and give access to the wealth of training/information to a broader network of educators.
This project helped me develop ISTE-C Standard One Visionary leadership. Specifically it gave me insight on how to plan, develop, communicate and implement a Google Apps for Education ongoing support and training group to help educators infuse technology to their lessons plans and units. This approach also focuses on UDL principles with Google Apps providing an opportunity for students to present what they are learning in fresh innovative ways using technology. This coach project also have me experience in how to advocate for policies, procedures, and develop technology plans. Working with my team of teachers to figure out a strategic plan to enhance learning using Google Apps was a valuable experience in order to incorporate the knowledge I gained in my Masters of Science in Education Technology into real life practice. I look forward to expand this coach project and give access to the wealth of training/information to a broader network of educators.